Frequently Asked Questions

City Clerk

What are the library hours

Mon. – Thurs. 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Fri. 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sat. 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sun. 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM

What services are offered at JCPL+ Wilmore
  • Holds pick-up
  • Book drop for returns
  • New & popular materials
  • Books for children, teens, and adults
  • DVDs
  • Public computers
  • Printing & copying
  • Convenient videophone to chat with library staff
How do I get a library card?

You can learn about getting a library card here

How do you access JCPL+ Wilmore?

To access the self-service space, scan your library card and input your PIN.

Who has access to JCPL+ Wilmore?

Any cardholders in good standing with the library.

Can children visit unattended?

No, cardholders must also be 18 years of age or older to enter JCPL+ unattended.

What are the County Clerk hours?

Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

What are City Hall’s hours?

City Hall’s office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Police FAQ

What are your business hours?

Our business hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm. If it is an emergency, please call 911. If you need assistance outside of  our business hours and it is not an emergency,  please call 859-858-3535 to speak with an officer.

How do I file a complaint, commendation, or suggestion?

If you wish to make a complaint, commendation, or suggestion about the actions of an officer(s), employee(s), or about any aspect of law enforcement operations, you are encouraged to do so in any of the following manners:

  • Complete the form available here and email it to or mail it to the Wilmore Police Department; or
  • Come to the police department in person and tell any employee that you want to make a complaint, commendation, or suggestion. The employee will provide you with the Wilmore Police Department’s “Report of Complaint, Commendation, or Suggestion” form for you to complete; or
  • Call the department and leave a message that you wish to make a complaint, commendation, or suggestion; or
  • Write your complaint, commendation, or suggestion and mail it to the Chief of Police -or- email it to

If you make a commendation or suggestion to the department, it will be forwarded to the Chief of Police as soon as possible after it is received for consideration.

Regarding complaints involving misconduct or criminal activity by an officer or an employee, this “Report of Complaint, Commendation, or Suggestion” form asks you to identify yourself and to give specific details about the alleged misconduct. KRS 15.520 does not require you to sign a sworn statement to make a complaint, however, it will be requested of you to sign the form.

If you choose to submit your complaint anonymously, it will be investigated to the fullest extent possible without your continued cooperation. Anonymous complaints will be further pursued only if the complaint can be independently corroborated by the supervisor assigned to investigate it.

All complaints alleging officer misconduct or criminal activity will be investigated, regardless of whether or not they are submitted anonymously.

If deemed necessary, you may be contacted and asked additional questions about your complaint.

You will receive contact at the telephone number you provide and a letter from the Chief of Police or his designee acknowledging receipt of your complaint will be mailed to the address provided if you choose to sign the form.

If it is going to take an extended period of time to investigate your complaint, you will receive a letter from the Chief of Police or his designee explaining the approximate amount of time the investigation may take and when you may expect a reply. Most complaints are commonly investigated and closed within 30 days.

When the investigation regarding your complaint has concluded, the Chief of Police will review the investigation and will send you a letter explaining the outcome of the investigation.


How do I file an open records request?

The Wilmore Police Department’s administrative assistant is responsible for the processing, retention, and safekeeping of all reports generated by the staff of the Wilmore Police Department. Records are disposed of according to the Kentucky Library and Archives Retention Schedule.

Reports may be obtained either via email or at the police department. You must present a valid ID to obtain a report. Collision reports are only available to parties who were involved in the collision, owners of the vehicles involved, insurance companies, and attorneys representing persons involved in the collision.

Please submit your open records request with a valid signature and a legible, printed name. You may submit the request via mail, email, or in-person drop off.

  • In order to request access to government records under OPRA, you must complete all the required portions of and date the request form and deliver it in person during regular business hours or by mail or e-mail or fax to the Records Custodian. Your request is not considered filed until the Records Custodian has received a completed, signed request form or signed written notification. If you submit the request form to any other officer or employee of the Wilmore Police Department, that officer or employee may not have the authority to accept your request form on behalf of the Wilmore Police Department and your request will be directed to the Records Custodian.
  • The fees for duplication of a government record are $0.10 per page, $0.50 per CD/DVD, and $2.50 per USB. We will notify you of any special charges, special service charges, or other additional charges authorized by State law or regulation before processing your request. Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to the Wilmore Police Department.
  • If it is necessary for the records custodian to contact you concerning your request, providing identifying information, such as your name, address, and telephone number or an email address is required.
  • You may be charged a minimum 50% deposit when a request for copies exceeds $25. The Records Custodian will contact you and advise you of any deposit requirements. You agree to pay the balance due upon delivery of the records.
  • The Records Custodian may deny access to a person who has been convicted of an indictable offense in Kentucky, any other state, or the United States, and who is seeking government records containing personal information pertaining to the person’s victim or the victim’s family.
  • By law, the Wilmore Police Department must notify you that it grants or denies a request for access to government records within five business days after the custodian of the record requested receives the request, provided that the record is currently available and not in storage. If the record requested is not currently available or is in storage, the custodian will advise you within five business days when the record can be made available and the estimated cost. You may agree with the custodian to extend the time for making records available, or granting or denying your request.
  • You may be denied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations and the custodian is unable to reach a reasonable solution with you.
  • If the Wilmore Police Department is unable to comply with your request for access to a government record, the custodian will indicate the reasons for denial on the request form and send you a signed and dated copy, within five business days.
  • Our business days consist of the following normal office hours: 8:30am – 3:30pm
  • If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the time permitted by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the Wilmore Police Department to deny access. At your option, you may file a complaint in writing with the Office of the Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. You may contact the Attorney General by telephone at (502) 696-5300, by mail at The Capital, Suite 18, 700 Capital Ave., Frankfort, KY 40601-3449, by email, or at their website. The Attorney General’s Office can also answer other questions about the law.

Please click here to obtain a copy of our open records form.

Please click here to obtain a printable copy of our Open Records Rules and Regulations

Please click here to see a copy of the 2023 Kentucky Open Records & Open Meetings Acts.

How many police officers does Wilmore employ?

The City of Wilmore currently has 7 full-time officers, 4 part-time officers, a full- time Chief of Police and an office manager.

Who answers the calls for 911 in Wilmore?

All emergency and non-emergency after hour calls are answered by the Jessamine County 911 Center located in Nicholasville. You can reach an officer in the city 24 hours a day for emergency by dialing 911.

For a non-emergency, call 859-858-3535.

Does Wilmore have a Drug Take Back program?

The Wilmore Police Department, no longer has a drug take back box. Please visit any pharmacy to dispose of your medication.

What year model is the DARE Car?

Our beloved classic DARE Car is a 1968 Ford Galaxie/500. It is in all original condition with less than 40,000 miles. The department enjoys using the car for parades and public relations events in the county.

When did Wilmore establish a Police Department?

Wilmore officially established its police department on January 1, 1922 with the appointment of the first “Town Marshall,” John William Grimes.

Public Works FAQ

When is my trash & recycling picked up?

Republic Services is the City of Wilmore’s trash and recycling provider.

Republic Trash & Recycling Information

When can I set out tree limbs and brush for collection?

Call City Hall at 859-858-4411 to schedule pick up at no additional charge. Limbs should be cut and tied into manageable bunches (limbs less than 4″ in diameter and 8’ in length). Grass clippings and leaves must be bagged

Who do I contact for a street light that is burned out?

Please contact City Hall at 859-858-4411 to process this request.

Utlities FAQ

How do I establish utility service for an existing residence?

Contact Kentucky Utilities at 800-981-0600 for electrical service. Contact Delta Gas at 859-744-6171 for natural gas. Contact Wilmore Utilities at 859-858-4411 for water service, sewer service, garbage collection and recycling.

How do I apply for water, sewer, garbage and recycling services with Wilmore Utilities?

Come into City Hall to fill out an application. A $150 deposit is required to turn on service. The deposit is refunded after five years of service or applied to the final bill.  Fill out the Utilities Application online to get started.

Do you accept credit/ debit cards?

We do accept credit cards and debit cards in person or over the phone. There is a small usage fee to process a card that is used for your payment.

Can I get a reduction in my sewer bill when I fill up my swimming pool?

Yes.  Write down your meter reading before filling your pool and after filling your pool. Turn those readings into City Hall, and we will adjust the sewer charge on your bill.

Can I get a reduction in my sewer bill when I fill up my swimming pool?

Yes.  Write down your meter reading before filling your pool and after filling your pool. Turn those readings into City Hall, and we will adjust the sewer charge on your bill.

Phone: 859-858-4411

Phone: 859-858-4412

Fax: 859-858-3595


City Hall 210 S. Lexington Ave.

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